ten quick tips to be a better skier
1. Take lessons The better your technique, the less chance you will put undue strain on your joints.
2. Set your bindings correctly Skiers using incorrectly adjusted skis and bindings are eight times more likely to suffer injury. If you crank up the DIN setting (which controls how easily the bindings snap open) beyond what is appropriate for your weight and ability, and you are asking for trouble. When hiring skis, know your weight in kilograms, and be honest about your ability.
3. Take a rest day The highest risk of accident is after 3pm on the third day of your holiday. This is because muscle fatigue reaches its peak 48 hours after you start your holiday.
4. Take the lift at the end of the day You will be tired, the pistes may be icy and crowded, and there will probably be bare patches in the snow - a perfect recipe for a fall.
5. Keep within your comfort zone Control is good, bravado is bad, and icy moguls - at least if you already have any damage to your knees - are very bad indeed.
6. Don't drink alcohol at lunchtime It slows your reactions and makes you more reckless.
7. Ski off-peak season, The quieter the slopes the less danger there will be of your being called on to take sudden evasive action.
8. Don't wear a knee brace, the only skiers who might benefit from a brace are those who are returning to the sport with an old or partially healed ligament injury (they might want to use a hinged brace), or those with mild arthritis (who might benefit from a neoprene sleeve). Otherwise, skiing without a brace improves the ability of the muscles around the knee to respond effectively to the different stresses and strains.
9. Seek advice immediately after an injury Clinics in ski resorts are well versed in treatment of knee pain. Above all, do not ski with a swollen knee: put ice on it, and take anti-inflammatory until the swelling subsides.
10. Consider snowboarding, Snowboarders are less prone to the twisting effect that causes knee injury. (On the other hand, they are more at risk of head and wrist injury). You can wear super cool outfits that make you feel younger as well!