Multi Day Hikes In The Italian Mountains


Hiking the Alta Vie Trails of the Dolomites of Italy

There's no greater thrill, then to challenge yourself by hiking from one mountain valley to another crossing spectacular summits, or starting at one seashore and biking or walking to another. Hiking the Alte vie (high routes) in the Italian Dolomites is an unforgettable and lifetime experience that is unmatched by walks in any other mountain range.

Hiking the Alte Vie in the Italian Dolomites is much different then walking Appalachian Trail,Sierra Nevada trails, or the great Alps traverse. Many other walks can be done with very little support other than your, backpack, map, and understanding of where the mountain huts are located. Hiking the upper trails in the Dolomites will also allow you to explore the diverse heritage of the mountain valleys, unique geological history, and food and drink of the region.

Within the Italian Dolomites there are 10 Alta Via routes that are well signposted and maintained. Routes can vary in degree of difficulty and cross different mountain groups where you are exposed to different environments. You can hike the entire route or just do a few days along the route.

Alta Vie Hiking Trails Italian Dolomites

Alta Via 1 - 150 km, 12 Days· This is the classic and easiest route that runs from Lago di Braies, in the Trentino Alto Adige Region, and takes you down to Belluno, in the Veneto Region, you will across the heart of the Italian Dolomites from north to south.

Alta Via 2 - 185 km, 14 Days: Also one of the older classic routes the Alta Via 2 is a bit longer and more difficult then the Alta Via 1. Starting in Bressanone, BZ and running south to Feltre, BL the route is almost all within the Trentino-Alto Adige region.· The route passes over the PutiaOdie-Puez Mountain GroupSella Mountain Group, Marmolada Mountain Group, Pale di San Martino Mountain Group, and Feltrine Mountain Group of the Italian Dolomites.

Alta Via 3 - 120 km, 10 Days: Also known as Alta Via dei Camosci, route starts in Dobbiaco, Bolzano province and ends in Longarone, Belluno Province. The route passes through the Dolomiti di Braies, Cristallo Mountain Group, Sorapiss Mountain Group, Marmarole Mountain Group, Pelmo Mountain Group and Bosconero mountain group of the Italian Prealps. The route is one of the more difficult.

Alta Via 4 - 90 km, 8 Days:· Alta Via di Grohman starts in San Cadido, BZ and ends in Pieve di Cadore, BL in the Veneto.· The route passes through the mountain groups of Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Cadidni di Misurina, Sorapiss Mountain Group, Marmarole Mountain Group, and the Antelao Mountain Group. The route is challenging and has some fixed lines on some sections.

Alta Via 5 - 100 km, 9 Days:· Alta Via di Tiziano connects Sesto, BZ with Pieve di Cadore BL and crosses the Sesto Mountain Group, Marmarole Mountian Group, Sorapiss Mountain Group and Antelao Mountian Group.

Alta Via 6 - 190 km, 14 Days: Also called the Alta Via dei Silenzi this route starts in Sappada, BL and ends in Vittorio Veneto, TV and traverses the d'Oltre Piave Dolomiti and the Carniche of the Italian Prealps.· The mountains are not as rugged as other routes, but there are long sections that are isolated and not very frequented.

Alta Via 7 - 35 + 75 km, 9 Days: This route is divided into two sections that traverse the Col Nudo and Calallo Mountains of the Italian Prealps and sections of the Oltre Piave Dolomites and then over to the Col Visentin Mountains down to the Veneto Plain. The first section is very remote.

Alta Via 8 - 160 km, 13 Day: This route was developed to showcase the western Italian Dolomites and starts in Bessanone, BZ and ending in Salorno, TO.  This is an easy route that passes through the Putia-Odle Mountain Group, Sciliar Mountian Group, Catinaccio Mountain Group, Latemar Mountain Group and hills in the d'Ega valley.

Alta Via 9 - 90 km, 12 Days: This is the only alta via that runs west to east, rather than north to south. The route starts in Bolzano, BZ and ends in Santo Stefano di Cadore, BL crossing the Sciliar Mountain Group, Catinaccio Mountain Group, Sella Mountain Group, Tofane Mountain Group, Cristallo Mountain Group and Sesto Mountain Group.

Alta Via 10 - 115 km, 16 Days: This is the only alta via on the western side of the Adige valley and runs from Bolzano, BZ to Gardone Riviera, BG, on Lake Garda. The route passes through the Mandola, Mountains, The Brenta Mountain Group, and the Cadria and Caploner mountains of the Italian Prealps. This route includes the famous fixed cable route, vie ferrata della Bocchette of the Brenta Mountain Group, the fixed line route can be bypassed.

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